Social Networking for Professional Coaches, Consultants, and Mentors
An Article By Jeanie Marshall

Social Networking is a powerful method for professionals to build relationships and share their knowledge, wisdom, and experience.
Three Social Online Networks
There are three social online networks that I particularly recommend to my clients and friends who are coaches and consultants: LinkedIn, Facebook, and Twitter. I belong to these three networks in addition to others. Please keep in mind this one caveat: if you decide to join all three (or more!), get on board with one at a time. That way, you can understand the nuances of the group and establish your online presence.
Each of these three social networks is different, and all are populated with a wide range of individuals — potential clients and colleagues, professionals and amateurs, marketers and sales people, and just folks wanting to make friends.
As with all actions I take, I start with being clear about my own intention. I have a deep desire to help others, to share my wisdom and knowledge, and to build relationships. For me personally, these intentions are the basis for my interactions. I stay very low-keyed about selling or marketing my products or services. I'm generous about sharing my free resources, encouragement, and ideas — these lead people to my services and products that are for sale.
You will, of course, need to develop your own style, your own community, your own image. While each of these social networks is different, you'll want to maintain a consistent image as a professional in each. Remember, social networks are very public experiences and RSS is unforgiving!
LinkedIn was the first of these three networks that I joined, although not my first experience in online networking. You can view my profile at
When I asked a colleague for a recommendation of a place to connect with potential joint venture partners for a project, she suggested Facebook. I was initially hesitant, as I knew it was originally organized for college students. I used to be one of those, but a long time ago! She assured me that Facebook had expanded far beyond its original beginnings, and keeps changing regularly. You can view my profile at
Twitter works well with Facebook and LinkedIn. Twitter is my favorite, but the others are important in my overall online networking strategies. By all means, follow my Twitter updates at
Copyright © 2008 Marshall House. All rights reserved. Jeanie Marshall, Personal Development Consultant and Coach, has developed Empowering Personal Development to encourage you on your path,
This Article focuses on Social Networking
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